Move yourself up just one row:
An act of conscious care.
The Lord is calling.
Make this move to show Him that you hear.
He's calling to you, "Follow me."
He wants to make you knew.
What better way to tell Him, "Yes"
Than move us just one pew?
Make that pew your resting place
From the battles that you fight.
Lay your troubles on the Lord
Who maketh burdens light.
Pick up your sword: lift up your head.
Christ's calling now to you:
And when you're ready to go on,
Well...move up again one pew!
If the story ended at the tomb
I curse the day I left the womb.
If on the cross my Savior died
And on the third day did not rise,
I wish the light I'd never seen;
I wish the air I'd never breathed.
For if Christ Jesus was but a man,
If His body lies in the sand;
Than hope is dead and peace a lie,
And every man will one day die.
Each soul is damned, forever lost -
If it ended at the cross.
My God did die upon the cross.
For you and me His life He lost.
But on the third day Christ arose,
And with Him joy and hope did grow.
For now man has a choice to make:
If God he'll choose or God forsake.