Thursday, July 3, 2008

Death: The Final Passage

The final chapter in a book is just that - the end. And very much like a book, we have a last chapter in life. In these last days, hours, minutes, and seconds we must rap up a life of momentous victories and many mistakes. Sometimes our moments of preparation are short; some people are caught by surprise and will stand before their maker without these last few moments to prepare.
How will you pass on? What will be your final passage? What will fill your last few pages? The Bible tells us that our life is like a vapor; it appears for a little while and then fadeth away. We really don't get to choose which of life's chapters will be our last. How than do we prepare?
The Bible tells us that God knew you when you were conceived. God knows the number of hairs on your head. God knows you. But more than that, God wants to have a personal walk and relationship with you. God wants you to know Him intimately.
For the born again believer, the Bible says that God is the Author and finisher of our faith. God wants to write your final chapter. God wants to write your every chapter. The Bible says that God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
Will you be prepared for the words "The End." They will undoubtedly come. Your story will undoubtedly come to an end. It may come slowly or it may come abruptly. But however it comes you can be prepared. There is only one way you can be prepared and that is to prepare yourself for the life to come, and that is to give Jesus Christ possession of your heart. Jesus said, "I am the way the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me." Give Christ your pen. Let Him create a beautiful masterpiece with your life.

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