Thursday, October 9, 2008

Start Right

My foundation was built upon unstable ground.
The floors and the roof made a terrible sound.
The foundation was shaky, the walls were best in:
My future was hurt by my life's early sin.

I made the decision to start building right.
But why fix the foundation? It wasn't in sight.
I would build the second floor sturdy and strong.
Surely my right could outweigh my wrong.

If only I'd decided to start out right.
If only my sin had not cluttered my sight.
For now I see that my earlier trouble
Caused even my right to crumble to rubble.

So how many floors are you planning to build?
To what point will your foundation be filled?
Your beginning choices compose your first floor.
What you do now will show what's in store.

So the key to success is not to grow up.
To start when you're older will not be enough.
The decisions you make in your earlier years
Will make you strong or bring you to tears.

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