Monday, October 6, 2008

Amazing Grace!

Amazing grace! I have received!
Amazing grace! How can it be?
Amazing grace! A peace unknown!
I lay myself before God's throne.
Amazing grace! I have a song.
Amazing grace! Now I belong.
By grace I'm saved; by grace I'm free;
O Lord my God, who died for me!
Amazing grace, I'll ever sing.
Amazing grace, my Savior brings!
It satisfied a price so high,
And Draws me to my Savior's side.
Amazing grace, the sweetest sound,
This precious song that I have found.
No greater gift! No greater love!
Than that which comes from God above!

1 comment:

Heidi Chaffee said...

Amen! How beautiful and so so true. His grace is amazing! -Heidi