Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Religion versus Relationship

Here it is. No questions asked. No exceptions given.

James 1:27
"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."

Pure religion defined:
To visit the fatherless
To visit the widows
To keep himself unspotted from the world

Our church has given us so man opportunities to serve. If you're not in any of these ministries it is a loss to the church and a loss to your personal growth.
However,even iv you have taken advantage of these opportunities to serve, if you have not guarded yourself against the world, than your religion, or your service, is in vain.. Religion is not to be put in the place of relationship. Religion is your loving service, because of your relationship.
Making breakfast in the morning is not a wife's relationship is not her relationship, but rather, it is a service of love she performs because of her relationship. Your service to God is not your relationship with him, but rather, it is an active account of love for Him.
Pure religion must be both service and separation. If a wife were to go out an have an affair every Saturday, it might just put a damper on her relationship with her husband. It is the same with God. If I serve Him everyday during the week, but then give my Saturdays to the world and the pleasures it offers, it will hinder my relationship with God.
My pastor has often said, "The degree of your service is directly related to the degree of your separation." As I search my own life, I would encourage you to do likewise. Is your service for the sake of your religion or is it because of your relationship with a loving God?

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