Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Gifts of God!

We have found that nothing is quite as predictable over here in Uganda as it was in Washington. Let me give you some examples: Some times we turn on the faucet to our drinking water, and get nothing more than a trickle; tonight as we were eating dinner, the lights went out and it was so dark that we couldn't see what we were eating (of course that did not stop me!); we had 4 tiles that were lifting up off the living room floor, so the man who came to fix them took out almost all the tiles in the living room, broke some, and then put them back in (although he did add some new colors to the floor... for special effect, I'm sure.)
However, the most exciting thing happened the other day! Most of us have started to dread taking showers or baths because one shower doesn't have any warm water at all, and the water heater on the other doesn't work unless it wants to.
This water heater has something against me in particular though. Up until a few days ago, I seriously doubted that it was even able to produce warm water. I wondered if my family members were just trying to make me jealous when they said they got to use warm water.
For these reasons, I was surprised and thrilled when warm water did come from the tap. I looked up at the water heater that used to seem so menacing and evil, and thought about hugging it! However, as we know, every good and perfect gift comes from God.
What has God given to you that you've forgotten to thank him for? Even the cold water flowing from the faucet is a gift from God. We have so much to be thankful for! It is our selfishness that assumes we deserve warm water, and all the other luxuries that we whine about. I challenge you to remember that we are deserving of nothing more than death and hell. And yet, it is the mercy and the love of God that provides life and peace. What have you forgotten to thank God for?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I will continue to pray that God not only provides the Tracht household with fresh water, but warm water also! How true that we must remember to be thankful for the little daily blessings.

Mrs. Winter